ジョーダン ジョシュワ ジョン (Dr.J)
ジョーダン ジョシュワ ジョン (Dr.J)


私たちは先祖から地球を受け継いだのではなく、子孫に借りているのだ 「We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children」

I grew up in Calgary, Alberta exploring the beautiful Canadian wilderness with my family. I learned that nature is incredibly beautiful and important to our wellbeing. Later, I went on to study Philosophy at the University of Calgary in Canada, Language Education at Bilkent University in Turkey, and, most recently, Global Environmental Studies at Kyoto University in Japan. I now use Language Education as a doorway to understand the environment around us.

All of us have learned about the environment in school, but few people have thought deeply about our connections to it. For example, here are the kinds of questions we will explore in my courses:
• What are some environmental issues that Japan currently faces and how can you help solve them?
• How will climate change affect our children’s lives in the future and what can we do to solve this issue now?
• How can an understanding of different languages and cultures help to solve global issues through cross-cultural understandings and shared beliefs?

I believe that university life is a great opportunity to challenge yourself and learn new things. I want to inspire you to think critically and creatively about the environment and your role in it. In addition, students that take my classes improve their English confidence and fluency, and you can too. I look forward to meeting you and learning with you at Konan University!

For More information about Dr.J’s research, please follow the links below:


You are about to start a new and exciting journey of learning and discovery. As you explore different subjects at Konan University, don’t forget to pay attention to the relationship these subjects have to the environment. The Earth is not only our home, but also our responsibility. 「これから新しい学びと発見の旅が始まります。甲南大学で様々な分野を探求する中で、それらの分野が環境とどのように関わっているかにも注意してください。地球は私たちの住む場所だけでなく、私たちの責任でもあります。」

ジョーダン ジョシュワ ジョン (Dr.J)
JODOIN, Joshua John (Dr.J)
専門:Global Environmental Studies, Environmental Policy, Language Education, Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD)
担当:Environmental Ethics, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) Policy, Model United Nations (MUN), Business Ethics, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

This is one of my favorite places in Kobe: My classroom in nature「ここは神戸で最も好きな場所のひとつです:自然の中での学び」


前田 正子
前田 正子先生
ジョーダン ジョシュワ ジョン (Dr.J)
ジョーダン ジョシュワ ジョン (Dr.J)先生
Global Environmental Studies, Environmental Policy, Language Education, Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD)
 谷口 るり子
谷口 るり子先生
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